Business Insurance


Important Commercial Auto Insurance Saving Tips to Consider

Business owners understand that there are multiple rights and responsibilities to follow while operating a business. One of those responsibilities is purchasing insurance. While purchasing insurance is a legal requirement, it also helps protect you in emergency situations. Perhaps you have a fleet of vehicles that you rely on to keep the business functioning properly. Commercial auto insurance provides similar

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What Should Real Estate Brokers Know About Vicarious Liability Insurance?

The concept of vicarious liability in real estate is not widely discussed but is important when an individual represents another as a buyer or seller of property. It means a real estate broker or agent can be held responsible for actions when they misrepresent buyers or sellers. Here’s a closer look at what vicarious liability means in the real estate

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Debunking Five Common Business Insurance Myths

Business insurance frequently appears more complicated than personal insurance policies.  New business owners may find it difficult to comprehend the business insurance market and the available options.  Read on to learn about some of the most widespread myths concerning business insurance and the truth behind them. Myth 1: You don’t need business insurance for a small business Your risk exposure should

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Does Workers’ Compensation Cover Stress-Related Claims?

Stress and anxiety are common complaints in daily life. We all deal with them to some degree. At times, they can be so overwhelming that they won’t stop even when you leave your job. If it gets to this point, it may begin to cause serious health issues that result in continued medical care. The key is learning how to

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Home-Based Business Insurance: Why Do You Need It?

Millions of independent contractors run their businesses out of their homes and depend on their homeowner’s insurance policy to protect their operations. Your home may be secure, but your company’s crucial documents, tools, and processes could not be. You should give home-based company insurance significant thought if you want to secure your operation adequately. Utilizing your house for purposes your

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Business Renters Insurance: An Overview

Perhaps you have decided to rent an office space or some materials in order to operate your business more efficiently. There are still risks involved, which is why business renters insurance is recommended. What Is Business Renters Insurance? Business renters insurance is available through purchasing a Business Owners Policy. A BOP merges multiple types of coverage into one policy. The

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Guide to Securing the Right Business Insurance in Houston, TX

Starting a business is a significant investment that comes with many risks. One minor mistake, and you could be sued. Commercial insurance is a safety net designed to protect businesses in emergency situations. Here’s a closer look at what commercial insurance entails. Houston, Texas, is one of the largest cities in the United States. The city is home to thousands

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Does My Business Insurance Cover Breach of Contract?

Businesses must comply with their state laws on contracts and insurance. Breach of contract can damage a company’s reputation while the company faces heavy fines and other court rulings. That’s why it’s common and wise for firms to get commercial insurance covering general liabilities. This article discusses whether your standard business insurance covers breach of contract or not. What’s a

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5 Effective Ways to Reduce the Cost of Your Property Insurance

Owning property is a great investment opportunity. The key to making the investment profitable is to make sure each piece of property is sufficiently insured. While combining multiple properties in one policy is nothing new, there are other ways you can make your property insurance more affordable. Working with your insurance provider will allow you to explore multiple discounts you

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Why Employee Benefits Are Important for Your Business

Employee benefits are essential perks that your employees often rely on for their physical and emotional well-being. These can include health insurance, paid time off, sick days, profit-sharing, retirement, and investment opportunities. Many of your employees rely on these programs to care for themselves and their families, even post-retirement. Your Most Valuable Resource Without your employees, you would not have

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